SRX20401649: Curtobacterium isolate from plant litter collected from California Pine-Oak site of elevation gradient
1 OXFORD_NANOPORE (MinION) run: 31,521 spots, 576.2M bases, 483.1Mb downloads
Design: > 60 kb of high molecular weight gDNA was obtained from Qiagen Blood and Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit. gDNA was assessed via Nanodrop and quantified by Qubit before preparing ONT sequencing libraries which were multiplexed and run on MiniION devices using R9.4.1 flow cells.
Submitted by: University of California Irvine
Curtobacterium Microdiversity along an Elevation Gradientshow Abstracthide AbstractTo isolate and characterize the natural genomic diversity of an abundant leaf litter bacterium across an elevation gradient in Southern California
Name: P20
Instrument: MinION
Strategy: WGS
Selection: unspecified
Layout: SINGLE
1 run, 31,521 spots, 576.2M bases, 483.1Mb